Chapter 2: The FEAT GUI and loading the functional data
The rest of the preprocessing steps (motion correction through normalization) will be carried out in the FEAT GUI. The FEAT button is located the middle of the FSL GUI menu, and clicking on it will open up a window with several tabs.
When you load a functional image, FSL reads information from the header of that image. Think of the image itself as a three-dimensional matrix of numbers, with higher numbers represented as brighter than lower numbers. This contrast allows us to distinguish different structures within the image. The header, on the other hand, contains information that you don’t see directly in the image, but which is necessary in order to display it - for example, the orientation. The header of four-dimensional data (i.e., single datasets that contain multiple volumes) also contains numbers indicating the TR and number of volumes.
After loading the Input data these fields will be automatically entered into the corresponding fields of the FEAT GUI, as shown in the following video:
The next two tabs, Pre-stats and Registration, will be discussed in the following chapters. To resume the tutorial on the preprocessing steps, click the Next button.